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The Power of Peer Influence

Esser funding can help!

Strengthen collaborative problem solving skills, increase resiliency and build an inclusive school community.

Increase student success, school safety & sustained motivation

Three stimulus bills passed by congress in 2020 and 2021 allocate nearly $190 billion to K-12 education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund.

Ignite Nation’s programs for the whole child

Concerns such as our Student Mentoring, Ignite Character, and Professional Development all fundable under the current grants under Covid19 ESSER and GEER educational assistance. We also assist you in this process if you need it.

  • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES Act, passed in march 2020, provided $ 13.2 billion to the ESSER fund.
  • The American Rescue Plan (ARP), passed in March 2021, provided more than $122 billion to the ESSER fund.
  • The Coronavirus Recovery and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, passed in December 2020, allocated over $54 billion to the ESSER fund.

Allowable Uses of ESSER Funds

ESSER Funding Source

Ignite Nation

Administering and using high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable to accurately assess students’ academic progress and assist educators in meeting students’ academic needs to include mental health and support functions, including through differentiating instruction and support programs.


WHY IGNITE NATION as a partner-One of very few companies that rolls up their sleeves and works with schools to develop student empowerment. Their key focus is on TRANSITIONS mentoring. They also support culture work at the leadership level in schools.

“Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students”


Helps assess student achievement focus, graduation, dropout prevention, this fits in with Ignite outcomes. What are schools experiencing in terms of incoming class transitions in middle school and HS (i.e., 5 the 6th; and 8th to 9th?) What is the existing freshman failure /dropout rate? What are some of the causes do you think?  Why is this happening here? What is missing?

“Providing information and assistance to parents and families on how they can effectively support students, including in a distance learning environment “


What are yours, the students, and the parents transition goals? How do we work to improve Attendance, assist in preventing Referrals & bad Behavior, decrease the Failure Rate and increase the Graduation Rate? Are your buildings or distance learning programs currently doing anything to develop student voice? 

“Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, and racial and ethnic minorities “


Peer Mentoring Enhances Student Retention, Friendships and feeling safer, provides great role models and gives students that all important one on one support with methods that are inexpensive and uses existing resources. 

Allowable Uses of ESSER Funds

ESSER Funding Source

Ignite Nation

“Purchasing educational technology … that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students  and their classroom instructors“

“Address learning loss through implementation of evidence- based interventions, and ensure that such interventions respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs  and  address  the  disproportionate impact of the coronavirus” 


All Ignite Nation programs are both on-line and Onsite from the Kick-off sessions to the constant rain the trainer and development of the Mentor to the Professional Development.

Mentoring programs have over and over shown how they improve all sorts of related areas from climate behavior at the school to even violence in and out of school. 

Activities already eligible under:

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA)

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act  (IDEA)

Carl Perkins Career & Technical Education Act

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

GEAR-UP Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs


Ignite Nation is truly the Learning solution prescribed by so many programs from both the State and Federal level.

SEA Allocation Requirements for ESSER III Funds

How Ignite Nation Aligns

“>5% of the grant funds to carry out, directly or through grants or contracts, activities to respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus.”

“>1% of the total amount of grant funds to carry out, directly or through grants or contracts, the implementation of evidence-based summer enrichment programs to respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the impact of the coronavirus.”

“>1% of the total amount of grant funds to carry out, directly or through grants or contracts, the implementation of evidence-based comprehensive afterschool programs, and  ensure such programs respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus”

Ignite Nation is an evidence-based intervention that can be easily and effectively implemented in a summer, extended learning, or after school program. Proven to improve students.

Attitude and confidence and help in proficiency and motivation, Their Videos and texts reflect the experiences and cultures of all students, providing students the opportunity to relate to shared experiences and discover the world around them.

Want to learn more? It’s never to late to get started!


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